You’re In An Accident, What Should You Do??


Road accidents occur every day. We knew it can happen anytime and anywhere and we definitely wish that we will also be safe and far away from it. Well undeniably, car accidents can happen to anyone. 


I got to admit it, perhaps you guys too, whenever you saw an accident, you whisper to yourself, “Ouhhh, how unfortunate, luckily it wasn’t me”. What about the victim of the car accident then? What should you do if you are the victim? If you are not hurt badly, here is a list of things you should do if you are the one involved in the accident.


Panicking never helps” - Kimberly Davis Basso


1. Stop your car.

Don’t drive away from the accident. Never flee the scene even if it is a minor accident or a serious one. 

The vehicle involved in the accident should remain where it is. Only move your car if necessary or if it is blocking the traffic.


2. Call the Malaysian Emergency Response Services, 999.

 Source from :

Doesn’t matter if the accident is serious or not, you are advised to call and report the accidents. Well, you know, if you would need to claim with your insurance company, you’ll need a police report.


3. Provide accurate and honest information.

When the emergency response unit arrives, ambulance or police, you’ll usually tell what you know to the police. Only tell what you know, what you experienced. If you are not sure, tell the police incharge.


If the medical response unit asks if you are ok, tell them that you are not sure. Sometimes the pain from the accident is only felt after some time. Perhaps minutes or hours.


Honesty is the fastest way to prevent a mistake from turning into a failure.” - James Altuche


4. Take pictures.

We all have smart phones or phones equipped with cameras. Take pictures of the vehicle, damage, car number plate, visible injuries and other information needed. 


It is important to ensure your own safety and wellbeing when you are taking the picture. Do not interfere with the police’s investigation as well as the medical unit’s activity.


5. Saves information and contact.

It is important for you to obtain the information and contact with the police officer incharge and the other victim from the other vehicle. Name, address, telephone number and insurance information of all personnel involved in the accidents, be it the drivers or the passenger and witnesses of the accidents so that you can contact them in the future.


6. Report the accident.

You will need to contact your insurance company to proceed with the insurance policies. Some insurance policies require reporting and of yourself, you’ll need to have your medical benefits. 


 7. Seek medical attention.

You would need to seek medical attention to get your body checked. Some injuries are not visible or felt directly after the accidents. It could take minutes to hours for the injuries to be seen and felt. 

We strongly recommend you to seek medical attention even if the accident involves only minor impact. Even minimal impact during the accident can cost serious and permanent injury if left unattended. Get your body scanned and examined. 


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