You Saw An Accident, What Did You Do??
We often saw accidents and thought to ourselves, “Ouh, how unfortunate.” Some of us wish that we could help them while some just drove past it… others… a picture for their Instagram or Tik Tok.
Of course you are not entitled to help but if you want to help, do you know how you can help the victims? It is not that easy like people think, especially if the accident is serious but here is what you can do if you see an accident and you decide to help them.
1. Dial and call for help, 999.
After you saw an accident and pulled over to the roadside or a safe place, Call 999 and report to the officer. You don’t have to worry or assume if someone else had called the police. Don’t hesitate, just call 999 and tell them what you saw.
Provide your name, location and details on what you saw regarding the accident. We might not know if the accident is serious or not but just dial 999. It could save a life.
Check on the accident’s victim.
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Only walk over IF you feel that it is safe. Watch out for fire, leaked oil, electric cable (if the car crashed into an electric pole), other cars on the road and other potential danger. Remember, your life comes first too.
Unless you are a trained medical professional or certified first aider, don’t give care to the accident victim unless the victim is facing danger. For example, the car is emitting smoke and might erupt in fire. Pull the victim to safety. If the victim is not in danger, DO NOT move the victim because you could accidentally cause the injury to worsen. Assure them that help is on the way and calm them.
Our beloved KDYMM Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong did once stop his car to offer help to an accident victim back in June 2019 when His Majesty was on his way to the weekly pre-Cabinet meeting. RESPECT!
3. Avoid confronting the drivers.
If the drivers are confronting each other, both from different cars that are involved in the accident, do not confront them. Some drivers can be angry due to the crash and might act violently. While some are in a state of shock and might not know what they are doing because they are not in the right side of their mind.
Instead, write down their car plate numbers and details about their car. You may use your phone to snap a picture. Sometimes the driver might try to flee from the accident scene therefore the picture or information you gathered can help the police.
“Now, now my good mans, this is no time to be making enemies” - Voltaire
4. Provide information on what you saw.
When the police and the ambulance arrive, they will check the victim for injury and the police will investigate the accident, provide your personal information if requested and tell only the truth to the officer. You are the witness of the accident and you need to provide the truth and only the truth of what you saw. You might be called to the court if needed as a witness.
There you go guys, those are the right thing to do if you saw an accident and decided to help. We hope that this information will prepare you for the best in the future. Of course, we wish that there wouldn’t be any accidents and only safe drives to everyone.
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