Measures To Stop Your Car Even If The Brakes Fail


Guess what can be one of the most terrifying things that can happen when you drive? Yup, losing your brakes. So what should you do if you ever find yourself in such a situation? Panic? Shout? Cry? Pray? 

No no no, not those because over here, we are giving you the guide on what to do if you ever lose your brakes. But in order for things to go smoothly, you need to be calm as panicking only makes the situation worse. 

1. You’ll need to warn other road users.

Don’t just focus on getting your car safely off the road or stopping your car. You’ll need to alert others. Flash your high beam and sound your car horn to get people’s attention. Unusual high beams and horning would get people’s attention. They might know that you are in trouble and know how to react.


2. Change to lower gear to “brake” the engine.

Changing to lower gear will change the force in the engine and naturally slow down the car. If you are driving a manual car, just do it like normal, and if you are driving an automatic car, just change your gear from “D” to the lowest gear available in your car. Don’t shift the gear too quickly. Slowly, drop one gear at a time.


3. Use emergency brake / handbrake

Using an emergency brake, or better known as a handbrake can stop the car but these brakes only stop the rear wheels of the car. Don’t use the emergency brake when your car is still going too fast because it will cause the wheels to lock up and risk you losing control. Just press the emergency brake’s button and slowly increase the pressure. Slowly, carefully and steadily.


4. Use the terrain to slow down.

If your car is still going too fast, use the terrains available to slow down. For example, driving on an inclining road, the force to go uphill will slow down your car. When you go uphill and your car slows down, use the emergency brake together. There is a bright chance in stopping your car. 

Driving on a sandy or soil road also helps in slowing down your car with it’s drag force. If you had the experience of driving to Ipoh coming from the northern direction, you will see an area filled with sand after going down hill to allow any vehicle that loses control to “crash” softly at there to stop their vehicle.


If there is no other option available, considering nothing works and coming off as your last resort, steer your car slowly and collide with the roadside barrier (Not hitting it directly, just scrubbing against it), going against small trees and bushes (Don’t hit on big trees), and lastly, really if there is no choice, strike on other vehicle to stop your car. Hit the other car at the back, like the center of the back so that the other driver still has the time and ability to control their vehicle.


You just need to make the right choice in slowing down your vehicle because damaging your car only costs you financially not your life.

“Trust” your instincts, and make judgments on what your heart tells you. The heart will not betray you.” - David Gemmell.

So guys, remember, don’t panic, just follow those steps over here and by the grace of God, you will be ok. We wish you a safe drive and remember to inspect your car always. 


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